Big Girls don’t cry….the strength of the mother.
Tonight I cried…..and for a long time. I had a meeting to attend and on the way, it started.
And for what it seemed for no good reason. As soon as I arrived I dropped off some documents and promptly left with the reason of not feeling well…which was emotionally true.
I don’t like to cry and actually it is not that often . I really reflected tonight on why it is I don’t like to cry of which I still don’t really know the answer but i suspect some deeper digging will reveal some answers.
Even though we know that thoughts create our reality sometimes the thoughts and feelings that can run over and over in the mind just are not the ones we know we should and want to have.
Guilt for crying, not being the best mum today and generally feeling like I could not get my Sh** together today was the first thought.
Shame was the second. There is no good reason for me to be upset. I have a husband, beautiful children, besties and family I can call at any time.
Who am I to be feeling sorry for myself!
And the feeling of trying to desperately keep in the positive space when it is actually ok to feel different or sad, especially when there has been some big changes in life over the last 6 weeks.
Ladies….I wanted to share this to give you permission and know its ok to release and if need be cry.
Without shame, without guilt and most importantly to go with it. As humans it is important to experience the full range of emotions as when we experience joy, happiness, or contentment it is organic and authentic. As mothers, carers, partners and business women the pressure at times is real and overwhelming!
So where to from here?
Sometimes when we are in the state of guilt, shame or just sad there are different coping mechanisms that people use in attempt to relieve the feelings. Large glass of wine, comfort food, smoking and other addictive behaviours are just to name a few.
Some key strategies that can help move through the emotions:
1. Be aware. Catch your thoughts. Why are you feeling this way? Even though you think it may sound ridiculous to someone else it doesn’t matter and its ok.
2. Who is part of your tribe? Is there someone you can call or drive to have a cuppa and just vent or debrief? If not this may be part of your journey.
3. Allow time - the old saying of time heals everything definitely holds some truth to it. Just sit with the feelings and allow yourself some time to process.
4. Try to avoid the booze, cigarettes and limit comfort food as even though these may seem soothing at the time, the next day and long term may be an issue
5. Know that its ok to have emotions! We are living this human experience and part of this journey is to experience. We all have permission to run with it.
The women that I am privileged to meet and work with in my clinical practice are some of the most dedicated, loving and strongest people I have met.
It is important to allow ourselves to run with emotions however, it is also important to catch ourselves and begin to be aware of the reasons, the why and how we pull ourselves through these times.
We are humans…being…and experiencing life.
Let’s make sure we are doing it together.
Emotional health is a big driving factor for our overall health and wellbeing and if not addressed can cause chronic health issues. There is support and treatment that can help with many emotional and mental health conditions.
To learn more book a free complimentary call today.